Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: April 14 - 17, 2020   The Beginning of Distance Education  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dear Students:

      Welcome back to the “joy of learning” and the “discipline of learning” as we stay at home to study.

     We are still climbing ‘The Mountain’ leading toward excellence, and we are still climbing this mountain together!

     You will feel sometimes that you are very alone, studying alone at your houses, but know that I am here for you to help all the time.

     We have to get good at communicating by email; that’s the best way. We can use phone, texting, and later we will get into some live video with each other on the computer.

     Be the BEST you can be at everything. Do everything in your Daily School Schedules just like you were in our classroom.

     Now, write me an email and tell me how you are doing and what you think of this message!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dear Students:


     We have a lot of kids doing a lot of GREAT WORK already!

     I am SO PROUD of all of you who are figuring-out this new way of engaging in our learning and working hard at it, and making great advancement already with it!

     Are you enjoying looking for emails from me, writing emails; submitting your work to me, and getting feed-back about your work? It’s kind-of like what always happens all day in our Classroom 16, when we’re discussing our work, our ideas and feelings, but now so much is done with just writing.

     Keep-up working with EXCELLENCE. I am monitoring your work in Imagine Learning, Khan Academy, and reading your Science Reports.

     Be sure to join the New Class of Book Journal Sharing in Google Classrooms. There we’ll have fun being able to read each other’s Book Journals, and in this way have a nice way to be sharing our learning experience with one another!

     Get the NEW DAILY SCHEDULE for Today from

     Now, think about this message, and then write me an email about what you think and feel about it!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, April 16, 2019

Dear Students:

      We are learning, now, new ways to learn!

     That might sound strange, but that’s what’s happening, as I direct you to put your mind, energy, and attention on new requirements for expanding your knowledge, skills, and expression of your feelings and abilities.

     In all things, do as you have always done in Classroom 16: Strive for excellence!

     I want you to be HAPPY in your learning, as the world now faces so much misery with the virus, which has caused us to need to stay at home.

     I think we’ve got some great learning processes happening! Keep-up sticking to the schedule, and disciplining yourselves for doing your Duty as a student.

     I look forward to seeing your progress on Imagine Learning and Khan Academy Math, to reading your Science Reports and your Book Journals.

     And, I’ll look forward to reading your Stories from tonight’s homework. You will be able to see each other’s, and comment on each other’s in the Google Classroom!

     Now, write me an email and tell me what you think and feel about this message!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, April 17, 2020

Dear Students:

      Always remember that I care about you.

     Because I care, I work hard for you to guide you to become GREAT in all things. Your duty, if you want to be GREAT, is to accept my guidance.

     In this strange time of Distance Learning, I am guiding you in new ways to discipline yourselves in learning, and it is my hope you will yet experience the joy of learning in these activities, even as you put in VERY HARD WORK!

     It is my opinion that if you really try to do your best in everything on the Daily School Schedule, that you do it knowing I am looking for excellence form you, that you will really enjoy this kind of schooling while it lasts.

     So, read the Daily School Schedule, follow the directions, and put your best Self into your work, end enjoy!

     Now, write me an email and tell me what you think about that!


           Mr. Stathis